2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Tuesday 28th January - Friday 11 April

Term 2: Monday 28 April - Friday 27th June

Term 3: Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September

Term 4: Monday 6 October - Friday 10 December (half day)

2025 Public Holidays (during term time):
Term 1:
Waitangi Day - 6 February
Good Friday - 18 April 
Easter Monday - 21 April
Easter Tuesday - 22 April
Term 2:
Anzac Day - 25 April 
King's Birthday - 2 June
Matariki - 20 June
Term 4:
Labour Day - 27 October

Contact Details:

Rotorua Specialist School
36 Kea Street
Selwyn Heights
Phone: (07) 3476717
Fax no: (07) 3476714
Email: office@rss.ac.nz

Community Funding

Are you in need of disability equipment, housing modifications, or a disability vehicle?  

Find opportunities for community funding here.

If you are a person with disability related needs, you may be eligible for Ministry of Health funding for specialised equipment, housing modifications, funding for a vehicle, vehicle modification and driving assessment.  

Enable New Zealand - 0800 17 1981


The Ngatuku Farms Fund provides funding for individuals (children and adults) who have special needs or are physically or intellectually disabled.  They fund workshops, equipment and medical travel expenses.  


Providing grants to people living with disabilities to help them have better access and to be more connected to their communities.


Financial Help for people with a disability of illness.

Te Kawanatanga o Aotearoa / New Zealand Government


Activity Fund grants are provided to enable physically disabled young people to participate in sport and recreation by reducing financial barriers. The fund accepts applications made by or on behalf of individual physically disabled young people.


Variety provides tailored, flexible support to disadvantaged children throughout New Zealand.

We can provide your child with basic essentials like bedding, a school uniform and shoes and access to important life opportunities such as school camp and swimming lessons.


Figuring out what funding is available, where it is available and what it is used for can be a daunting task. Click below for an overview of the Disability Support Services (DSS) available in New Zealand.
